Happy Valentine's Day!!

Happy Valentines Day everyone! 🥰

As you know on February 14th, Professor Lockhart decided to organize a "morale-booster" - an overly lavish party in the Great Hall of Hogwarts castle. Let's be honest, it is mainly for him to garner attention for himself...Professor Snape was incredibly annoyed by this, which is...hilarious. However, female students who fawned over Lockhart's charm and good looks, were rather excited by this, Hermione included..

Love comes in many different forms and languages. We see it everyday without realizing it. Not just from your significant other, but also among families, friends, even act of kindness and grace among strangers on the street. Valentine’s Day should be celebrated by all and for all types of love, including loving yourself! We are surrounded by love and we shouldn’t take that for granted. So reach out to your loved ones and act kindly towards strangers. Spread the love you want to receive. ️❤

I hope you enjoy this fun ambience, and have a wonderful Valentine's Day!


p.s. I am working with the voice actress of Hermione and she will play a different character for me...any guesses?? I plan to bring you another role-play video that's going to be really cool. Stay tuned!

